Friday 29 January 2016

evaluation of my progress

My progress so far for extended practice hasn't been as good as I hoped, I misjudged how much time I would be spending on CoP and so let my extended practice briefs slide quite a bit. I began the year not really knowing what briefs I should be doing so set myself a range so that I could get a broad portfolio with book covers, book illustrations, food editorials, YCN, children's education. 
I started three of the briefs but didn't get very far with any of them and missed the deadline for one (war horse) because it was so close to the CoP deadline. I am annoyed that I fell so behind with this module as it was one I was excited about, but it just means I have to be quicker at producing work this term and be a lot more focused. I was really happy with my CoP practical outcome, it has made me more certain that I want to do educational based illustration for my big brief, also the process of digital collage with my mono print textures worked really well for my russian concertina so I will try and develop it further for this project. I have managed to turn out some work already this term for secret 7 which I managed to do pretty quickly which has made me more confident that I will be able to keep to my new deadlines this term. 
My big brief is quite ambitious as it will be quite research based, but that is what I really enjoyed about CoP - I like learning about a subject in depth and then responding to it, I feel that it where my best work is produced. I know I should be using the next few weeks to start working on the big brief but I want to get a bulk of work done for the other briefs as I haven't got much so far. Also all the deadlines for the competitions I am working on are beginning of march so this next month will be focused mainly on secret 7, penguin books and PPP with gathering of big brief research. Although I haven't had the best start for this module I think I will be able to bring up my work load a lot now that I will only be doing practical work and not essay writing. 

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