Friday 29 January 2016

change to big brief

I've had a slight change of heart with my big brief - I still want to produce an educational book but the subject might change. I am thinking now to make it a book teaching children about dinosaurs. I saw a bit of the new David Attenborough documentary about the new giant dinosaur they have discovered and it made me pull more to this idea for a kids educational book.
I think it will be better than the natural phenomena because it is much less broad, it will allow me to focus on species and their habitats, how they survived, their fossils - there is lots of scope for exciting imagery. What I liked about the natural phenomena was being able to illustrate impressive natural forms and landscapes - which I can still do with this project. This subject matter means I can go into greater detail, as well as having more scope for promotional products appealing to children. 
This will be an interesting subject to research - I don't know too much about them but it will give me the chance to go to natural history museum for first hand research, and there are lots of documentaries and books on the subject - it will also be fun in terms of creating the dinosaurs themselves, with lots of interesting textures and shapes to play with. After coming up with this idea, it has made me more excited for this project than I was with the natural phenomena, which I felt a bit out of my depths with as it such a big topic with so many different scientific explanations. 

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