Monday 18 January 2016

changes to briefs

BRIEF 1 - big brief
This was going to be an educational book about space, but will now be an educational book about natural phenomena. I hadn't started any research on the space idea so not much of a change. It will be more focused on image alongside facts rather than a story.

BRIEF 2 - smaller competitions
I was going to combine my secret 7 covers with a clockwork orange, but because I've changed that book to a bigger brief I will be taking on one of the other books, I think the children's book 'emil and the detectives' along with at least 3 album covers/

BRIEF 3 - war horse/clockwork orange
I was planning on doing the folio society brief for war horse and had started some development but the deadline was very close to the CoP deadline and I misjudged how much work I had to do in the last few weeks before the deadlines. What I had planned for war horse was very ambitious which made me put it off a little bit, so annoyingly I didn't get it done at all. 
It was more annoying because I had taken time to read the whole book and was excited about doing a narrative brief which actually responds to the text. So instead I am going to expand my 'penguin books' brief. I will be making a front cover for 'a clockwork orange' for the competition but will also do three inner illustrations for my portfolio. 

BRIEF 5 - recipes 
I initially planned to illustrate recipes, which I then changed to illustrating food articles as it allowed for an editorial element within my portfolio. I will still continue with this but I want to make it more authorial. The few I have done have been all digital, but I liked my cut out sketchbook work as well, so I want to carry on with the sketchbook work and be more experimental with my outcomes, not just making them digitally. 

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