Thursday 30 April 2015

pigs head

I've tried moving onto a different scene with this new process. I'm depicting the scene where one of the boys - Simon - stumbles across a clearing in the jungle and finds the pigs head on a stick surrounded by flies. In the story he then has a hallucination where the head turns into the 'Lord of the Flies' and talks to him, warning the boys from themselves. I want to show the peaceful clearing which is defiled by this gruesome pigs head. 

I like this a lot more than the fire scene I did, but it's still not quite right. I think it works well in both formats. It needs to be framed on the page, when the drawing reaches the edges of the page it feels like there is no depth to the image and looks unfinished. I think if I had composed it into an oval shape on the page it would look better - need to remember to do that next time. 

I've sketched out all the illustrations I will be doing - I'm pretty sure I'll do them using this process of making the whole image as one. I just need to do some more tests and make sure I plan where everything will go. It helps a lot to do these test images as it points out to me exactly where I need to improve. 

front cover - will use the same drawing I did initially in my sketchbook, but more developed. Will be a full colour illustration

pg1 - Simon coming across the speared pigs head
pg2 - boys bringing the rest of the group a pig to eat for the first time

pg1 - boys dancing around the fire, Simon dead in the corner after they have killed him thinking he was the beast
pg2 - the boys split into two tribes, one have turned to savages, one are holding on to civilisation and intelligence, trying to get home

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