Thursday 30 April 2015

fire studies

I'm still a bit stuck with my process, I haven't made anything yet that has turned out just as I wanted it. I did a few tests for fire:

The last one is the most realistic but thats not what I want, I want it to look rough, cave man style - energetic. But I can't seem to get it. I think the first one is the most like that - with the messy paint strokes. I also tried it in grayscale as I am considering doing the inside illustrations in monochrome:

They work quite well, they aren't as striking but it is recognisable as fire - they have good textures. 

I tried re-creating the fire scene again:

I think the fire in colour works really well and is very bold, but with the grayscale it's harder to tell all the elements apart. I also think the figures look really flat. I'm getting quite frustrated with photoshop as everything comes out looking flat with no depth, I might go back to making the scenes mostly by hand and see if that moves things forward. 

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