Thursday 30 April 2015

fire scene

So I have gone back to creating the illustrations by hand, which takes much longer and more frustrating when I get something wrong:

I feel better about these, as the figures are stuck on they have a slight shadow, adding depth. I'm not sure about the gray watercolour trail; it was okay until I added the blue lines which made it too complicated, but I couldn't change it back. It also means the figures by the fire aren't very clear. This was just a test, but I think I might carry on in this way - but considering the composition more. 
The figures are even less clear in grayscale and I think the fire would look better if the flames were more separated. I think doing it in grayscale may work though, if I consider the layout more, I think the colour version has a bit too much going on with the multiple colours - it should either be a limited colour palette or monochrome. 

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