Tuesday 28 April 2015


Some ideas for bookmarks:

These would have the top bit coming out of the book, I like that idea but I would need to develop the bottom of it more as the motifs don't naturally fit into that long shape.

These would be quite simple, with just a repeated pattern of motifs in two colours, but they would love bold and striking. I also planned to have a tie at the end similar looking to a striped school tie. This design would be a lot cleaner/neater and easier to make. 

I've cleaned up the idea a bit here:

I want the red to be redder, but still textured and not as bright as my watercolour drawing. I am still unsure of how I will draw/make the motifs but they will be much stronger than this. 

I also made a quick repeated pattern for a carrier bag design which I might use:

This is very rough but I like the basic idea. I like the scribbly black with brown texture - it has a caveman and raw feel about it. 

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