Tuesday 29 April 2014

final resolutions

Pleased with how the stamps turned out, think that though the compositions are simple, I think they work well on such a small scale. As it is clear what they are showing, and it isn't too convoluted. 
Though after analysing them I feel they could have been made better if they all had a bit of shadow under the object, like with the pen and ink image. 

Also happy with the postcards, they link in well with the stamps as the stamps are representing elements of what is shown in the postcards. I think the scene with Carroll photographing and him in a boat are the strongest two composition wise. And I feel they fit in with my idea of Carroll the best. 
Again I think these could have benefitted from some more detail with shadowing but I am pleased with the results. 

The poster is the weakest format for this project I think, it did look a lot better once I had printed it out on large format because there is quite a lot going on it seemed too busy when I printed it out A4.
But I do feel it is a bit messy compared to the other formats. And although I had experimented a lot with the image of alice on the do-do's knee, I hadn't thought about composition enough, which has let down this image slightly. 

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