Monday 21 April 2014

colour, value, notan

Value - the light and dark of a colour
Notan - harmony between colours

develop an image that contains a figure and an object while considering the depth, frame, viewpoint and colour - is there contrast or harmony.

I decided on the scene of a fisherman in the sea, I wanted to create quite a lonely atmosphere. To do this I thought I should use quite a dark colour palette, and use light to draw attention to the fisherman.

I used pictures I took for my visual narratives project of fishermen to help with the compositioning

Although I wanted the fisherman to be the main focus of the image, I wanted him quite far back, to give the impression that he is far from the shore.

I used buoys to lead the eye up the page towards the fisherman, which I think works quite well, it creates an interesting line of sight that leads around the page.

For the colour I want to use a limited range of colours, as I feel that it will be more effective in creating the lonely, serene atmosphere.

I like the contrast of the red and light yellow against the dark blues, I think they will work well with highlighting the buoys and the fisherman, while also suggesting a nighttime scene.

Although I think the composition, and the colour scheme works well in my illustration, I am not sure about the method in which I did it.
I think the watercolour was rather messy, it would have looked much more finished if I had added the colours on photoshop, but I unfortunately did not have access to it while at home over the holidays. Also, although I practised the drawing of the fisherman while developing the image, I don't think I depicted him very well, the highlighting got a bit convoluted.
But I have enjoyed exploring how colour affects my drawing, and taking more consideration into what colour palette to use.

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