Friday 25 April 2014

stamp development

the combination of the imprecise ink and the loosely applied line work, works well I think; I feel the naive style of it fits well with the theme of Lewis Carroll who was thought of as rather playful and whimsical in his writings.
I played around on photoshop placing the ink and the line work, which I drew separately, and I like how it has turned out, will try using this style for the finished formats. 

I initially painted the watercolour, then added the loose line work. When scanning into photoshop, I really liked the texture of the watercolour paper that showed through as well, it makes it look like its been printed onto some sort of parchment, which I hope will still be translated when actually printed.  

Am pleased with the final turnouts of the stamps, they go well together as a set. I feel the clearly give an idea of different aspects in Carroll's life. 
I decided for the colour scheme, that I would have different colour for each format, and have gone for the 3 primary colours so they will still fit together aesthetically. Stamps being yellow, postcards greeny/blue and the poster a pinky/red. 

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