Tuesday 29 April 2014

final crit

We had our final crit for our hand in on thursday, we had to have all our images printed out to show:

I wasn't too happy with the colour they came out in, the background was much more yellow than it looked on screen.
So will have to go back and edit that before I print them out properly. 

my feedback:
- clear understanding of Lewis Carroll, and have managed to depict his personality
- have clear synthesis between research and visuals
- blog is well documented and presented, can see progression of problem solving that I have gone through with my media testing
- can see how experimentation has lead to final outcomes, and exploring mix of digital and analogue has strengthened this
- but do not feel that final outcomes really depict him as a person, and that the more colourful work I played around with represents him better

It was all pretty positive feedback which it encouraging, I don't know if I agree about changing the colour scheme as I feel the colours I have gone with work well as a set but are also quite bright and engaging. 

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