Monday 24 March 2014

Visual Communication - People of Note

We were given 3 names of people who are notable from some point in history. I got:
- the sex pistols
- lewis carroll
- ellen macarthur

I went for Lewis Carroll, because I love Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as well as other stories and poems he has written. But after doing a little research I found out he has done so much more than just his writing -  he was a mathematician, a photographer, an I thought he would be quite an interesting character to explore. 

I got intrigued by his relationship with a friends daughter - Alice Liddell, who is thought to have inspired his character of Alice. 
There are references in the book to Alice and her sisters, and the story was dedicated to Alice Liddell.

Carroll used to take out the three sisters on boat trips and tell them stories, and one of those stories was 'Alice Underground' which Alice Liddelll loved so much he asked him to wrote it down for her, and it turned into 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'.

I really like the image of the four of them in a little rowing boat, while Carroll tells stories, I think it reflects his character well.

The Do-Do is said to be based on Carroll as he had a stammer and couldn't pronounce his last name properly which was Dodgson (he changed it to Carroll later)

But I really like the idea of Carroll being morphed with a do-do, it would also help communicate the fact that he was incredibly modest and shy, he didn't want to be part of the fame that his stories attracted.

In this project I want to try and involve all aspects of his life, not just his writing which everyone knows him for. 

I like these camera drawings I have done, the delicate ink work, works well I think. Also having Carroll's head under the camera again will communicate his shyness - quite like the theme of hiding his face throughout the illustrations. 

My intent for these pieces is to celebrate his imagination, but also his other achievements in his life. 
Need to make:
- 4 stamps
- 4 postcards
- 1 A1 poster
I was thinking the stamps and postcards could depict his other interests, so his photography, his maths, his writing, but also his story telling which he apparently really enjoyed doing.
I want to try and capture the quite gentle, thoughtful character he was said to be. 

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