Thursday 9 October 2014

themes and motifs

- themes i looked at
- 3 motifs i chose
- why i chose them/what they represent

Themes that I feel run through both George Orwell's life and writings:
 - revolution
 - war
 - dystopia
 - poverty
 - power
 - corruption
 - surveillance
 - technology
 - psychology
 - politics
 - injustice
 - language
 - education

we then had to pick a theme, and then find three motifs/symbols that fit well with that theme and are still relevant to the author.
I was tied between technology and surveillance. Technology is important because there is the constant theme of it being corrupted by those in power:

- the windmill in Animal Farm was initially meant to symbolise the animals being able to fend for themselves and prove they don't need the humans. But it is the start of the pigs turing into the humans, it represents the pigs manipulation of the other animals; for their own gain. 
It ends up being used for commercial use which the animals promised they would never use it for at the beginning. It represents the enormous modernisation projects undertaken in Russia after the revolution. 

- cameras, microphones, telescreens are used to spy on all the people, they are not allowed to read or have any individual thoughts or education other than what the state provides. And those who deviate are tortured until they comply. 

So for my 3 motifs I chose:

I chose the gun because weapons are a common motif throughout the books, used as a form of persuasion and violence. Also because war is a prominent theme throughout. 
I feel these three are very recognisable structures, and are bold so will be able to play quite a lot with their forms but still keep my work relevant. 

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