Thursday 9 October 2014

the tangible

We made a directory of lines, three different pens, three different lines, three different strengths, so that when it came to drawing with the lines we could really explore our line work.

we then created more composed images using the 3 motifs with 3 different types of line

Although I don't feel these composition are at all strong, it was interesting to see how we can simulate depth - foreground, mid-ground and background - just using different lines. 

We then moved onto collage work, still with the same motifs. 16 images of the motifs using collage and line:

I'm pleased with how this turned out, I spent a lot of time with the collage. A few of them aren't very thought out but I think I experimented well with my materials. I particularly like the ones in monochrome.

I made these using an ink pad and sectioning off bits with tracing paper, for the layers. I think the ink gives it a really interesting, gritty texture which fits well with the books I'm looking at. And the bright, white areas are so harsh against the background, it makes it look very mechanical. It would be even more effective if the background was darker, for more of a contrast. I really enjoyed this method, I will definitely be trying out more of it.
In my critique it was suggested that I play around more with my composition, which I agree with, as they are just straight on without much thought gone into them.

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