Thursday 9 October 2014

the intangible

We've now moved into the intangible, where we had to think about the atmospheres and moods surrounding our author and their work, and then how we can try and depict those feelings.
For Orwell I felt the books have quite a scary atmosphere - where the people are powerless against the state, atmosphere of decay with gritty landscapes. 

I started off just playing around with mark making and texture, to try and get across these atmospheres

I then used the photocopier and inverted the positive and negative which came out with some really interesting results

I really like the look of the flat paint, it makes it look quite smokey in some cases
We then went about creating 12 images that convey our particular atmospheres while also including some or all of our motifs

I'm pleased with how these came out. I got really into the thick, rough application of paint (which I used a make-shift palette knife, which I felt works quite well), it gives the images dark atmosphere, with the dark colours it makes it rather ominous. 
I think they would work better if I still had the thick brushstrokes but with sharper lines for the windmill, to give it more of the mechanical feel like in my collage work earlier. At the moment it all seems a bit messy and unclear. 
I only stuck with the one motif for these because I really like the structure of the windmill, I think it works well in these images. But I think I should try bring in some other aspects so that I'm not just working from one text.

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