Wednesday 22 October 2014

OUIL503 - a creative response

3 briefs I am interested in maybe taking on:


I love looking at book cover design, I feel it is a really good skill to be able to capture the themes and the feel of the book just from the cover, while also making it eye-catching in a book shop. I'm very interested in narrative illustration, and so this is a way into that, while also being able to learn how to manipulate my work to fit a format I am not used to working with - a book cover.


Have admired the 'Propercorn' packaging when seeing it in shops, I love the hand-drawn quality, it makes it quite a unique, memorable packaging. I like the idea of taking illustration off the paper and into an environment, like for a shop window design. I've never done anything like that, so it would be an interesting challenge. 

FOLIO SOCIETY (House of Illustration)

Again it would be the chance to work with narrative, which I am very interested in, and for this I would actually be taking elements from the text to work from and illustrate. I have looked at the Folio Society a lot and really love their illustrated books so it would be exciting to have the chance to be a part of it. 

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