Tuesday 27 October 2015


I had a really good tutorial with Ben which made me a lot more enthusiastic about the briefs I had chosen, the main points I got from it were:

  • look into 'flying eye books' and 'nobrow' as they do illustrated books for adults and children
  • possibly re-think my age group for the space group, because the illustrations might be considered patronising for older children. However, Teresa said that there is more of a market at the moment for illustrated books for 9-14 year olds
  • space/astronomy books have been done a lot, so maybe think about how I could have a unique take on the theme, or maybe have more of a focus on one aspect e.g. just about the moon
  • read 'a clockwork orange' and 'war horse' because it will inform my illustrations a lot, also the book of 'a clockwork orange' is completely different to the film
  • my collage/print cut out process is working really well and suits the subjects/themes I am tackling
  • research into ww1 for 'war horse' for more context
  • illustrated food is a good thing to have in my portfolio because there are lots of commissions for food illustrations
  • for my recipe brief I could look at food articles (new yorker, observer etc.) and then just do one good food illustration for that each week, rather than the illustrated recipes. That way I will have a wide range of read in my portfolio - book covers, narrative illustrations, editorial
  • if having problems with type look up 'top 10 type faces' (guardian), print them out and then use same process of cutting out textures but using the type as a stencil
  • look at Romy Blumel

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