Wednesday 21 October 2015

603 feedback

We had a crit of our statement of intent and individual briefs:
- I should focus on print, book making and self made books this year and the rest of the skills i want to develop will happen naturally
- I should be clearer on exactly what skills I want to develop
- the last two years I've worked with the theme of dystopia a lot and it has worked out pretty well but I'm not this year; maybe it is something I should consider
- I need to mention how I will go about distributing the products I make (online, book shops etc.)
- I shouldn't focus on too many process 
- is process more important than content?

brief 1
- I need to decide on the theme asap, focusing on the aesthetic is a good start
- it is an appropriate brief for my intended illustration route, also that I have considered a marketing aspect
- decide on an age group soon

brief 2
- the secret 7 brief fits in well to my process aspect of my rationale
- either of the smaller briefs could be turned into bigger briefs; I could spend more time on them or possibly drop one

brief 3
- it is a strong brief in relation to my practice and interest in narration
- what methods of production am I considering 
- be more decisive

brief 4
- it is good that I have found a weakness in my practice that I can address (my typography/layout skills)
- focus on one YCN or D&AD, both might be a bit too much

brief 5
- very clear and appropriate 
- appears to be something I am excited about carrying out
- maybe look at IKEA for good DIY instructions to illustrate
- possibly find a newspaper recipe to use as focus and then email the illustration to the paper afterwards?

All good feedback to consider, I think what is most important at the moment is to start making practical work as I won't know what works and what doesn't unless I start. 

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