Saturday 6 December 2014

initial presentation boards (propercorn)

We made some initial presentation boards so that we could present what we have so far but also have some practise for when we make the final boards, so that we know how they should be laid out and what they should be showing

We had a crit for the boards and this is the feedback I recieved:

- well researched in most areas
- good consideration of context, placement and audience
- good use of colour, is consistent with brand colours
- good visual representation of real world settings
- nice use of both handmade and photoshop to depict ideas
- have researched a lot of possibilities to expand the brand (e.g. window displays)
- idea of including ingredients
- great concept of 'light' and having the food float upwards 

- finalise media choice and then experiment more with what works most efficiently
- look at more food/restaurant shop window displays and advertisements to see how they draw their customers in
- chose an artistic 'style' because the tone of voice in unclear
- develop more compositions

- are you hand-drawing or cutting out pictures of ingredients?
- how will you adapt your style to the target audience?
- do you have enough time?
- what media will you use?
- what shop windows will you advertise in for your target audience?

I am pleased with the feedback I got, I was mostly a positive response which is encouraging. I now need to decide on what area I want to focus on - whether its window displays, posters or display stands, and then I need to decide on how I will design in and what media I will use. 

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