Monday 24 February 2014

viewpoint & depth

3 figures with a sense of depth.

I decided to depict a scene of a beach. I enjoyed the challenge of coming up with interesting viewpoints. My favourite ideas were the three children reaching up from different distances, and a dog jumping into the viewer with children running behind, I think that had the most interesting viewpoint. 

I had to re-draw the dog a few times as it was hard getting the right perspective, but I'm pleased with how he worked out. 

We then had to use this drawing for an etching workshop. 

I really enjoyed the workshop, although I didn't realise it was such a long process. Also I didn't take into account that the image will be printed in the opposite direction to how it was etched on, so my scene is a bit wrong. 
But it printed out well, I like how detailed you can be with it.

Initial drawing and then etching:

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