Tuesday 25 February 2014

line of sight

We were asked to find an image that we felt had an interesting line of sight, I chose this photograph by Eugene Atget

The middle of the path is illuminated slightly and defined by thick, dark lines which leads the eye through the streets. 

As well as the white sky being tunnelled downwards between the houses creating the focal point slightly to the right of the centre.

We then went through everyone chosen images and quickly scamped out where we thought the line of sight was; which I found really useful. 

I find it quite difficult picturing how an image should be composed in the most effective way, so just having arrows pointing in the right direction made it seem a lot clearer.

Monday 24 February 2014

viewpoint & depth

3 figures with a sense of depth.

I decided to depict a scene of a beach. I enjoyed the challenge of coming up with interesting viewpoints. My favourite ideas were the three children reaching up from different distances, and a dog jumping into the viewer with children running behind, I think that had the most interesting viewpoint. 

I had to re-draw the dog a few times as it was hard getting the right perspective, but I'm pleased with how he worked out. 

We then had to use this drawing for an etching workshop. 

I really enjoyed the workshop, although I didn't realise it was such a long process. Also I didn't take into account that the image will be printed in the opposite direction to how it was etched on, so my scene is a bit wrong. 
But it printed out well, I like how detailed you can be with it.

Initial drawing and then etching:


You, an elephant, and a butterfly.

By focusing more on the frame of the image, it allowed me to play quite a lot with the composition which I enjoyed. I was thinking more about abstract frame - like long and thin scenes and how the elements would fit into it.

I like the frame that I worked within, I think it allows for quite an interesting composition. 
Although I don't feel mine worked too well, it would look better if there were no trees as it makes it a bit convoluted with the butterfly. I'm not pleased with how the figure turned out, but it was just a quick sketch.
 I think it works well having the arm outstretched as it leads the eye in the direction of the butterfly. 


Compose an image with; a figure, an object, a landscape.

I looked at abandoned, decaying buildings for my landscape. I wanted to compose quite a bleak scene so also added a bare tree and scruffy dog. I found it more difficult than I thought trying to imagine the three elements from different viewpoints and sizes. 

I like the viewpoint from behind the dog, looking down on the building but I think I could have got the perspective better, if it was more angled. Also I think the tree is a bit too big for where it is in the scene. 
But I like the composition, will be better if I edit it slightly. 

that's pants evaluation

- We all got along, and worked together well as a group; had quite similar ideas of what we should do and how it should look
- All had a fair contribution to the work load
- We capitalised on each of our strengths
- We were quite indecisive in the beginning and couldn't decide on a topic that would work well for the brief; but once we settled on 'bad packaging' our idea generation went well.

- We should have been more efficient with giving out specific roles to each member of the group, rather than doing everything together
- We were unorganised in the sense that we didn't arrange a print session for the finished A2 poster, thought the print room was closed on the friday we planned to print; we should have organised one of use to come in earlier on the monday to print it out. 
- There were times when members of the group were ill so we fell behind schedule slightly.
- We had trouble with the software for the gif which meant it took a lot longer than we expected
- Should have spent longer on the poster

- I think the collaboration went well, as we all got the work done in time without much disagreement (except the poster being printed out in time), and we were pleased with how the gif turned out.

- In terms of visual skills, I helped out a lot with the compositioning of the photos for the gif, making sure everything was in shot. I didn't feel I could add much to the making of the gif as I hadn't made one before but I now know how to make one so can use that skill for future use.

- For non-visual skills, I did a lot of research for the project, looking at facts and statistics about bad packaging which gave us more of a background to the topic, more of a reason as to why we were doing this issue. And then later when coming up with what should be written on the poster.

- We didn't assign any specific roles for the project, and worked together for a lot of it instead which I think slowed us down slightly. But in terms of what I did most, was the research and background information for the project.

- Found it interesting to see how all our different ideas worked together, it made me think more about responsibilities involved in projects and what needs to be done - and how important organisation is when you are working with a group of people.

- If I was to collaborate again, I would probably make sure there were more defined roles for the group members as it would make the production of work more efficient. 

that's pants poster

I feel that we could have put more time into the making of the poster; we had originally planned to go out and take a new photo for the poster, different from the gif; but we ran out of time and had to use one from the gif photos. 

It would have been better if the litter in the background was clearer, as it is a bit too subtle like this. Also I think we used too much text, some feedback we received for the poster was that the image should speak for itself and we shouldn't have to use type to explain it. 

I think the gif reflects the most on what we were trying to show, this however is leaning more towards lack of recycling as an issue rather than the waste created by excessive packaging. So I think if we spent more time on this it could have turned out a lot better. 

that's pants gif

The finished gif worked out quite well I think; we had some trouble when we went to take the photos because of the bad weather, it meant the boxes wouldn't keep in the same place, also you can see the boxes getting progressively muddier as we broke the boxes down. 

Also when it came to actually making the gif we had quite a bit of difficulty with the software as it wouldn't let us save it because the photos we had taken were of a too high quality. Which meant going back and decreasing the quality which took a while.

But I am pleased with how it worked out, I think it puts across our point well - looking at excessive packaging, and showing how it is bad for the environment. Which is made evident by the fact that all this rubbish is being unfolded in a natural green space. 

Tuesday 18 February 2014

3D craft & lens

We were given the task to work with photography to create either a photo or a gif showing us with a power of some kind. 
I enjoyed planning out mine, and the actual making of it; but I wasn't too pleased with the outcome.

I wanted it to look like I had shrunk so that I was able to drink more tea. 
I had attempted to make a mini ladder that I could be standing on out of matchsticks but it kept falling apart.
I think it would have turned out better if the background was plain, think it is a bit of a distraction.
But I did enjoy working in this medium, want to try and include photography more in my work.

Sunday 9 February 2014

OUIL406 Studio Brief 1 - That's Pants

We have been put into groups to collectively decide on something we think is 'pants'.
We came up with 'bad packaging'

We narrowed it down further into different variations of bad packaging; whether its impossible to open, over packaged making it wasteful and bad for the environment, actually hurts to open, or damages the item. 

We researched more into the theme, and there has actually been a lot of injuries caused from people trying to open difficult packaging; where they have resorted to using knives and hammers, and then accidentally stabbing themselves. And it is apparently corned beef cans which have accounted for the most admissions to A + E for packaging related injuries, which could be an interesting perspective to work with. Packaging also creates a lot of waste, especially when it is unnecessary, like packaging bananas in plastic; which seems pointless. So we could create something protesting the environmental consequences of over packaging. 

We also did a brief plan of what we aim to do with this topic, our brief is to create a poster and a gif. 

These are our storyboards for our two favourite ideas: